Dan Tirels

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Monoprinting Kit. (Special edition) now available.

Sorry for the lack of recent blog posts and updates, I have been having a few technical faults with the website and this has prevented me from updating the website and including more original artwork to the shop. I have just added 10 more of the monoprinting kits to the and hope to add more in the next few days. I have updated the YOUR WORK gallery page and it is always great to include your artwork that has been inspired by the videos. Postal charges have had to be increased but I have tried to keep them as low as I possibly can.

The COVID-19 pandemic is still having a devastating effect here in the UK as well as the rest of the world and I am always encouraged by the comments I receive about my YouTube videos helping people cope with the isolation and offering some form of escape from the daily news, I always have been under the impression that creativity does help in times like this. I have had many comments from teachers of art classes who have been sharing my techniques with their students of all ages and abilities and this is fantastic to hear. I make videos to encourage others in a positive way.

I really hope it isn’t too long before a suitable vaccine is found and normal life can resume once more, I send best wishes and as always thank you for your continued support. Take care and stay safe.